BOdy UPgrades


Body Upgrades for using Hormone Balance, Neuroscience, Biohacking, Human Design + Quantum Energetics. Rituals, Activations, Light Language Sound Healings, Ice Baths, Pranic Breathwork, Ceremony, Quantum Meditations and More.


Fun events designed to restore the nervous system, upgrade the bodies DNA and energy system connect with your souls purpose and soul family to feel recharged, inspired, energised and on purpose for life again.


BIOhack Metabolism and Hormone Balance

Metabolism and Hormone Balance Biohacking for 20x More Energy and Easy Weightloss without Exercise or Cutting Calories!

In this 2.5hr event you learn how to:

⚡ Unlock 20x more energy – even if you have energy crashes or auto-immune condition

⚡ Lose excess fat easily – without exercise or cutting calories, no products, pills or shakes

⚡ Supercharge your brain – even if you have ‘baby brain’ or brain fog

⚡ Balance your hormones for a faster metabolism more feminine flow even if you have PMS, Menopause – in fact especially if you do!

CHAKRA HEALING Light Language Music Experience

Channeled Light Language, songs, messages and soundscape to transport you to the heavenly realms, connect you with your highest self to clear, align and activate your chakras to hold more energy, more more passion and purpose, in this one off event to restore peace and harmony in your body, activate remembrance of who you truly are and the supportive network you have guiding you through life.
“Nat herself, is a gifted beautiful soul with the voice of an angel as she intuitively guides you on a journey with meditation, sound, energy and light language transmissions instinctively knowing what each participant needs. A truly healing experience. Thank you.”

Awaken the Goddess weekend retreat

This retreat is a journey of love that will take you into your heart and feminine essence by tapping into your goddess energy and embodying who you were born to be while living in pleasure, play and ultimate joy!

A woman in her feminine flow, coming from a place of the heart, walks into the room like a lightning bolt; people feel her. It’s like there’s this presence, there’s this ownership. It’s a ‘that lady knows who she is and what she wants’. It’s commanding the space you are taking up. It is ownership of self.


Life changing online programs to upgrade your body from excess weight, tired, heavy, brain fog, auto-immune, illness to 20x more energy, weight-loss without cutting calories or exercise and a nervous system that is resilient with lots of energy for life.


Heal Your Chakras

 Life changing 8 Week Course moving through each chakra, clearing, activating and aligning for more energy, passion and purpose. Immerse yourself in 8 powerful sound healings for each chakra, woven with light language transmissions, Solfeggio frequencies, biohacking activations and more crafted specifically to clear each chakra, align with your most vibrant frequency and activate your DNA’s fullest expressions so you can live with an abundance of energy, clarity, passion and purpose and expect life to change to more abundance, peace and joy! Ebook with practical tools and lifetime access so you can always keep your energy clean and radiant!

13 Week Metabolic Reset

Our comprehensive 13 week metabolic reset program. Using nutritional science, lifestyle and hormone balancing strategies as well as mindset intervention and emotional therapy to naturally balance hormones and Activate the body’s metabolism in 13 weeks.

This premium 13 week program offers world class content such as inner child, emotional eating and self sabotage healing, NLP and CBT to reprogram neural pathways, fat burning and hormone balancing nutritional science, strategic fasting, fat burning exercise, restoring circadian rhythms, balancing hormones and understanding your bodies biochemistry, self confidence and personal power as well as monthly live support calls, over 80 hormone balancing recipes and loving community with a blueprint for guaranteed success. This program is seriously one of a kind.


Amplify your ideas, dreams, and concepts into an aligned and fulfilling business in this 9 Month Interactive Mastermind full of activations, practical planning, systems, strategy, actions and monthly retreat and ongoing support to earth your business ideas.

Using effective business and marketing strategy and systems in alignment with your unique Human Design, chakras and the elements we will create and grow your business so you can shine bright in the world.

EARTH - Activating ROOT of Quantum Human Potential

Earth: Root | Nervous System | Adrenals and Hormones | Root of Human Design | Foundations | Systems Automations | Healthy Masculine Energy

Reconfiguring our nervous system, to hold more energy and light.

⚡ Nervous System Resilience, Capacity and Higher tolerance

⚡ Root Pressure Energy Centre

⚡ Adrenal Hormones

⚡ Business, Body and Life foundations to hold more energy and light

⚡ Integrating healthy masculine to hold self

FIRE - Activating POWER of Quantum Human Potential

Fire: Metabolic Efficiency | Gut Health | Solar Plexus | Emotional Centre | Spleen | Confidence and Certainty | Self Promotion.
Eliminate energy leaks, recall your power and step forward with courage and confidence.
Our metabolic capacity is often limited to 5% due to common lifestyle choices and even conscious nutrition. Returning to our bodies design we can activate our 95% more energy, and restore the metabolism to create 20x more energy, easy weight management and a optimal function body.
We reclaim our energy, disconnected from inauthentic sources and rise in our own internal flame.
Energy floods back in, as does inspiration and confidence and courage to meet the world with our gifts.
To be in our fullest capacity we reignite our fire and return to our inner source of power this is also where we can confidently share our purpose and gifts with the world without a doubt what we are here to lead and inspire.

Program Features

80+ Recipes

80+ hormone balancing, fat burning, high energy recipes.

If you are overwhelmed with conflicting advice, sick of counting calories and stressing over what to eat, if you know what is healthy but its not working and you not sure where to start we make it quick and easy.

Using new science we don’t focus on counting calories but rather how those calories change your hormones and the voltage in the body.

Save time, keep the whole family happy and healthy while you feel fuller for long increase your metabolism and you can enjoy your food again.

High Vibe Self Paced

Your library of health, happiness and life.

Instead of trolling through articles getting more and more confused, lose yourself in our library of high vibe healing courses from conscious nutrition and gut health, to feminine cycles and fat burning exercise programs. From resetting your metabolism to quantum healing we have everything you want to know and be, in one convenient place.

Lose weight easily (physical and emotional weight), double your energy, unlock your most confident self, flow with ease and grace through life, reconnect with your soul purpose have lots of fun!

Live Coaching Calls

Accountability in our live group coaching calls.

If you have felt alone in your body and health journey, like the only one who is struggling, these calls will take the weight off your shoulders as you feel supported and connected through celebrating successes, open up multi-dimensional learning and activating inspired action each week.or the following week.

You will feel inspired, clear, accountable and focused to continue to expand into your highest self each week.

From overwhelmed and disconnected to having purpose, direction, loving life and having fun again.


Personalised Coaching

Deep dive into your personal blueprint with Natalee.

If you are sick of a one size fits all approach feeling like no-one quite understands what you are going through Natalee is going to strip back all the layers dulling your shine and guide you in your own personalised journey back home to body and life you love.

 Co-create your own personalised strategy that suits your body, your family, your life to activate dormant energy in the body so you can feel lighter, more energised and free. 

Release self sabotage and negative thought patterns and reclaim your. body a life again.

Cleanse and Heal

Bio-hacker, Practitioner and Healer Natalee shines a light on the density held in your body and mind. You will release old programming, dense energy & blocks to cleanse & heal the body and mind to be a pure vessel. You will feel lighter, clearer and more confident and connected to yourself.


Natalee weaves magic through her words and experience. Transporting you out of the mundane, 3D world, connecting  you with your most sovereign, multidimensional self. You will activate your highest vibration & codes so you will leave buzzing, crystal clear & feeling free of your past self sabotage habits.


Energy Alchemist and Quantum Healer Natalee knows exactly how to increase the voltage in your cells, body and life. You will not only feel energised, full of light and energy, you will have the blueprint to increase the frequency in your body so you expand powerfully & shine your light in world. 


To be inspired is to be ‘in spirit’. Natalee has a magical way of stripping you back to your raw truth, connecting you with your soul so you can dance in the pleasure of true alignment with your source energy, igniting the fire within. You will feel on purpose, passionate and inspired.