Light Language Healing Music

Natalee is an ethereal singer and 5D musician creating intentional music designed to heal and transcend. With a passion for celestial and shamanic vocals, light language, piano and crystal bowls, Natalee loves to create soundscapes that clear density, shift state, raise your vibration and awaken deep remembrance and cellular healing.
Qualified Sound Therapist and Neuroscience Coach Natalee weaves both her love of the science of sound, nervous system, psychology and wellbeing with her psychic abilities of channeling messages, light language, transcendal vocal tones and quantum healing to bring a truly unique and otherworldly experience that brings people to the depths of their soul healing, heart wide open full of peace and joy.


“Nat herself, is a gifted beautiful soul with the voice of an angel as she intuitively guides you on a journey with meditation, sound, energy and light language transmissions instinctively knowing what each participant needs. A truly healing experience. Thank you.””

“I absolutely loved the crystal bowl sound healing, but your singing and voice was so angelic and beautiful what a beautiful gift you share. I felt your words and messages resonate deeply. It was both empowering and healing. Thanks Nat for a great experience xx”

Upcoming Events


Calming songs, ethereal vocals, healing shamanic tones, spoken poetic meditations and angelic harmonies in an intentional soundscape designed to heal and transcend.
“My teenage daughter and I attended the intuitive music healing session hosted by Phil and Natalee for the first time. It was truly wonderful. The combination of their ingenious talents really took me to a deep meditative space…lay relaxed and comfortable as the Crystal bowls sounds and beautiful otherworldly vocals from Natalee and gorgeous guitar and deep songs from Phil filled the dome. Their synchronised sound has magical resonance and takes your mind, body and soul on a healing journey that you will continue to respond to in your everyday life. My daughter also absolutely loved it and is insisting we return for the next session… 👌
Emily Thomas


One of a kind Somatic Voice Activation Full Day Retreat for Healers, Helpers, Light Workers, Leaders and Practitioners who want to open their full expression and use their voice to channel Light Language, Song, Speaking, Writing or connection  in Life and Work to be seen, heard and felt in all they are here to bring.
This is fun, playful, safe, and explorative, including practical tools to explore your voice, toning and channel in a way that is authentically you as well as activities to clear your blocks, open fully and find your unique sound, message, voice. 

“…channeling and light work and sound bowl healing. Im telling you now I will never feel lost again… It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced”
“So very beautiful and you transmitted the answer to the question I asked the universe this morning, Thank you, thank you”

“Woooweee i am SO grateful I got to experience Nat in her absolute raw beauty – it truly was something else! I was absolutely blown away by the delicate sounds, the softness that overcame my body and the connection I felt with myself while listening. It was absolutely beautiful.”

Upcoming COURSES

Heal Your Chakras

 Life changing 8 Week Course moving through each chakra, clearing, activating and aligning for more energy, passion and purpose. Immerse yourself in 8 powerful sound healings for each chakra, woven with light language transmissions, Solfeggio frequencies, biohacking activations and more crafted specifically to clear each chakra, align with your most vibrant frequency and activate your DNA’s fullest expressions so you can live with an abundance of energy, clarity, passion and purpose and expect life to change to more abundance, peace and joy! Ebook with practical tools and lifetime access so you can always keep your energy clean and radiant!

“Natalee holds a phenomenal space. I was able to connect so deeply so quickly within myself to the most amazing rhelms. The frequencies and energies were a whole other level and so much shifting, clearing and activating was taking place. With Natalee’s support I was able to clear some very old blockages from my throat and heart chakras. I felt so much clearer and stronger within myself.

I am so grateful I decided to join Natalee’s support circle last week. What a powerful, beautiful, pure space. Thank You Natalee  “

Vanessa Rutherford


“Nat, today was legit one of the best days I have had since I was born. Such a magical thing to finally understand and see where I have come from and finally feel safe and happy within myself I feel so free to finally 100% love and trust who I am. For the first time since I have been alive I son’t feel lost!”

Stephanie Brown

“Woooweee i am SO grateful I got to experience Nat in her absolute raw beauty – it truly was something else! I was absolutely blown away by the delicate sounds, the softness that overcame my body and the connection I felt with myself while listening. It was absolutely beautiful.”

Jacqueline May

“A very peaceful, delightful night. I enjoyed it very much! I wasn’t sure what to expect and my expectations were exceeded with lots of downloads and some much needed slow down time. Thank you for gifting us with the beautiful codes, I could feel them rippling through my body “

Sami Hart

“AMAZING night spent with Natalee Neill and crew, forest fae theme was calling to me and I’m so thankful for the divine sound healing. Our shared space was a gift oh and mmm cacao… love!
Just to be within myself and with these beautiful, fun, creative people, what a splendid release and music/sound experience that was just what I crave! 🙏🧚‍♀️

“Words really cannot explain the experience I have each time I go to one of Natalee’s energy healing sessions! She is truly an angel sent down for us and her magic that she spreads is truly powerful. Thank you so much for all that you are and that you give, your light shines so bright and we are all so grateful for everything you do. xox”

Magida Ezzat

“Nat herself, is a gifted beautiful soul with the voice of an angel as she intuitively guides you on a journey with meditation, sound, energy and light language transmissions instinctively knowing what each participant needs. A truly healing experience. Thank you.”

“Such an amazing experience today. So nurturing and nourishing in all forms. Nataalee Neil created a space for us to heal and receive which was so appreciated. We laughed a lot and even though I hadn’t danced in years I felt comfortable and had a ton of fun. The ‘light language sound healing’ meditation was one of the best I’ve ever done. A huge thank you for today”

Tania Sinclair

“They way Nat connects to the sound causes such gentle shifts. The influx of light codes with Nats voice resonated through my being. Incredible!!..I feel a warmth in my Womb like never before. Along with that connection then to my heart. So powerfully subtle. Thank you Nat”

Bec Gutsche

“…channeling and light work and sound bowl healing. Im telling you now I will never feel lost again… It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced”
“So very beautiful and you transmitted the answer to the question I asked the universe this morning, Thank you, thank you”


“Experiencing Nat in her element of channeling light language, music and sound stirred a deep knowing within me. It was a remembering. A connection to the other realms. A soul connection. It was other worldly, blissful, beautiful and healing “

Allie May

“I was mesmerised by ’Nats’ singing and light language on the weekend! I had an extremely intense lucid dream…and I believe I spoke light language for the first time! I had the pleasure of experiencing Natalee’s amazing voice at a sound healing recently, I found her voice was very unique, powerful mesmerising. Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts with us all! “

Kirin Castle

“Words cannot really explain the experience I have each time I go to one of Natalee’s Sound Energy Healing Sessions! She is truly and angel sent down for us and her magic that she spreads is truly powerful.

Thank you for all that you are and that you give, your light shines so bright and we are all so grateful for everything you do xox”

Magida Ezzat

“HOLY MOTHER OF Natalee’s…. light language last night, not only did I feel the energy instantly shift every cell in my body and my light grid activate and instantly release a load of tense/dense energy, I felt feminine connection with my my body that I haven’t felt for ages……..”

Nadia Krolikowksi

“Your transmission… pretty powerful hun. I’m New (in this life) to light sounds/words you speak. Some part of me remembered & understood your transmission because this exhausted mumma feels like she’s had a coffee shot!”


“Nat” Today was legit one if the best days I’ve had since I was born such a magical thing to finally understand and see where you have come from and to finally feel safe and happy within myself I feel so Free to finally 100% love and trust who I am. For the first time since I have been alive I don’t feel lost.”

“Awesome Nat! It seemed so effortless and everything flowed forth without any blocks or uncertainty. Amazing how I now feel that I can make my dreams come true and there is no future, just now. I really do feel empowered and positive”.”