Ascension Artist and Activator

Life Changing Ascension Music, Courses and Events

To Upgrade Your Body and Souls Work To The Highest Frequency and Impact



Events designed to awaken, align, energise and inspire. Natalee’s energetic presence and magnetism takes you on a journey from the unknown parts of yourself hidden in the shadows to vibing high in the most energetic, highest version of yourself. Bringing simplicity to the overly stimulated societal conditioning and fluff, Natalee cuts straight to the magic that will quantum leap you to a body, health and life you love.


High vibe healing courses to awaken your light, cleanse and heal your body and mind so you can hold more energy and light. Align your bodies biochemistry to balance hormones, unlock energy, release excess weight and restore sleep. Activate your full mental potential, improve cognition, releasing limiting beliefs and craft new programming. Shift and release stored emotions to free up your bodies to allow full light and energy to flow energised, light and free.


Short and sweet products designed for the time poor to quickly align you with your soul, heal your body and reignite the fire within so you can live and abundant life full of energy, confidence, ease and fun! The blueprints, the activation, the vibrational frequency to cleanse and  energise your cells, body and life through multi-dimensional energy alchemy. Meditations, Ebook’s, downloads, to start opening up you up right now.

“Words cannot really explain the experience I have each time I go to one of Natalee’s Sound Energy Healing Sessions! She is truly and angel sent down for us and her magic that she spreads is truly powerful.

Thank you for all that you are and that you give, your light shines so bright and we are all so grateful for everything you do xoxo”

Magida Ezzat

“Such an amazing experience today. So nurturing and nourishing in all forms. Nataalee Neil created a space for us to heal and receive which was so appreciated. We laughed a lot and even though I hadn’t danced in years I felt comfortable and had a ton of fun. The ‘light language sound healing’ meditation was one of the best I’ve ever done. A huge thank you for today”

Tania Sinclair

“Natalee holds a phenomenal space. I was able to connect so deeply so quickly within myself to the most amazing rhelms. The frequencies and energies were a whole other level and so much shifting, clearing and activating was taking place. With Natalee’s support I was able to clear some very old blockages from my throat and heart chakras. I felt so much clearer and stronger within myself.

I am so grateful I decided to join Natalee’s support circle last week. What a powerful, beautiful, pure space. Thank You Natalee  “

Vanessa Rutherford

“I was mesmerised by ’Nats’ singing and light language on the weekend! I had an extremely intense lucid dream…and I believe I spoke light language for the first time! I had the pleasure of experiencing Natalee’s amazing voice at a sound healing recently, I found her voice was very unique, powerful mesmerising. Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts with us all! “

Kirin Castle

“I love how Natalee can simplify some of the most complex systems of the body through clever analogies and story telling. She cuts through confusing fat loss hype & empowers women with knowledge and practical strategies they can apply immediately.”
Meghan Hinchey

“I had such an amazing time yesterday and it has changed how I feel about my body and given me the drive to move more without fear. It’s a feeling I needed to experience and can’t thank you enough. You have a very special gift and I am grateful I got to meet you. You so need to put your sound healing on Utube. I would listen to it a lot. It was just angelic.”

Kirin Castle

“This time last year I was at my heaviest ever.. I was unhealthy..I was unfit..I was emotionally eating all the time..I was Completely addicted to sugar..And I wasn’t happy..That was when I was introduced to the beautiful Natalee who has such a unique and holistic way of supporting women to understand their health, hormones, emotions and metabolism at a whole new level Through detoxing the body and mind of old programs, by understanding the science of why the ‘diets’ never worked long term, healing my body and reconnecting with my soul in the last 12 months..-

I have lost 25kg..

– I have improved my relationship with food.

– I am more in tune with my body..

– I can even smile at myself when I look in the mirror

Megan Underwood

“First of all, just want to say Thank you Natalee
Thank you for bringing this idea to life
I was a closet dancer
I’ve spent most of my life with anxiety and the last thing I wanted was to be ‘seen’. I’ve tried a few dance classes over the years but none quite fit me or I didn’t fit them…
I have always admired dance groups, the energy, the connection and shared experience of creating something beautiful
BUT never thought “I could do it”, and it stayed as a dream I was too scared to persue.
When Natalee put the Flash Mob Dance Group together I was excited and hesitant. Is this for me?
I decided to try it… BEST DECISION!
What an amazing class, with amazing creative, open hearted, fun loving people.
A completely judgement free space.
I am hooked, I love it and so excited to see where this takes us.”

Jessica Heath

“Experiencing Nat in her element of channeling light language, music and sound stirred a deep knowing within me. It was a remembering. A connection to the other realms. A soul connection. It was other worldly, blissful, beautiful and healing”

Allie May

“Nat, today was legit one of the best days I have had since I was born. Such a magical thing to finally understand and see where I have come from and finally feel safe and happy within myself I feel so free to finally 100% love and trust who I am. For the first time since I have been alive I son’t feel lost!”

Stephanie Brown

“”That was excellent!! That’s pretty much hypnotherapy and NLP right there! But better! Love it.”

Sarah Rogers

“Awesome Nat! It seemed so effortless and everything flowed forth without any blocks or uncertainty. Amazing how I now feel that I can make my dreams come true and there is no future, just now. I really do feel empowered and positive”
Lori Whitlaw

Donna on how she lost 16kg in 12 weeks & went from a size 22 to 14, getting her confidence and her life back!

Donna Jones

“”Flash Mob Dance Day Retreat yesterday was so incredible. Fully Stepped out of our comfort zones learning an entire hip hop/contemporary style dance to ‘A Sky Full Of Stars’ for the very first time.
It was so cool, literally actually as we also did an ice bath immersion 5 mins x 3 times. Brrr
I love the realisation of just how powerful our minds are when we decide to do something and put ourselves totally out of our comfort zones.
We also got to do quantum breathwork and had the most incredible sound bath meditation with light language which was soooo beautiful and soothing to the mind, body and soul.
Followed by an intention setting ‘Cocao Ceremony’ and tarot card pull!
Thank you so much for holding the space for us to have the most uplifting, empowering and beautiful experiences! . So grateful to you Natalee Neill thank you beautiful soul!”  

Melita Vlatko-Rulo

From controlled by food, tired and feeling down, to energetic, no cravings and in control – with Linda.

Linda Miller

“HOLY MOTHER OF Natalee’s…. light language last night, not only did I feel the energy instantly shift every cell in my body and my light grid activate and instantly release a load of tense/dense energy, I felt feminine connection with my my body that I haven’t felt for ages……..”  

Nadia Krolikowksi

“HOLY MOTHER OF Natalee’s…. light language last night, not only did I feel the energy instantly shift every cell in my body and my light grid activate and instantly release a load of tense/dense energy, I felt feminine connection with my my body that I haven’t felt for ages……..”  

Nadia Krolikowksi

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