I have never been great at writing. In fact if I am completely honest I was failing English in my final year of school. If it wasn’t for some extra lunchtime sessions with a great teacher I would have failed, and seriously failed – like 35% fail. The point I guess I am making is that I am writing now. I have accepted I am not perfect and moved on. It has taken me a number of years to let these failures go. I was a perfectionist and if I couldn’t be perfect I wouldn’t start. Problem solved, I didn’t start so I never failed and therefore was still perfect – or was I.

In order for us to grow spiritually we must be willing to give up old versions of ourselves in order to make room for a new and improved version. Some of us are quite willing to stay clinging to the old version; living in the past with dependency on parents, lack of commitment, youth, desire to win or in my case perfectionism. Our desire for things to be the way they used to be has us stuck in the mud, not moving forward in life’s purpose for us.

Surrendering these old ideas and perceptions of ourselves is painful and as we learnt previously, life is suffering, we need to accept, confront and overcome these challenges that life throws at us. If you’re disciplined, checking yourself against the real world regularly, you will go through many mind spring cleans. Throwing away old ideas and old versions of you, making room for new ideas and a new and enlightened you. Each time a part of you that causes you pain, dies, followed shortly by the joy and birth of the new parts of you.

Spend some time thinking about what you are clinging too. What old idea of yourself would you like to commit to letting go of today?