So I have been doing research to add some more value to our 8 week vibrant leaders program and I again stumbled on some scary numbers. So we know two thirds of you are stressed. But I also found that those of you that are stressed, two thirds of you don’t seek help! While for the majority of the population workplace stress comes in 6th, for those of you 25-35 workplace stress is the second biggest stressor and 1/2 of you recognise that.
So why else are you stressed?
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Well coming in at number 1 and reasonably consistent across the different demographics, and over time, is financial stress. The concerning part here is the cascade effect. Chronic stress equals, adrenal fatigue which equals burn out which equals stepping down, resigning or permanent stress leave which equals reduced or no finances which equals more financial stress – you get the picture.
Number 3 on your list of stressors is family stress. The fascinating thing about family stress is that if there is reduced or no stress in the house then family relationships improve. So again if there is reduced financial stress, reduced work stress, family members are less defensive, less angry and anxious and enjoy each others company more.
So what does this mean for you?
Self care. Invest in your own wellbeing. Reduce workplace stress.
Here are 12 proven strategies for self care and a healthy lifestyle:
- Belief that you can actually change
- Your desire or want to change – (this is why I only work with those that have a 10/10 desire to change)
- Mindset – having a mindest that support change
- Awareness – having a level of awareness that recognises triggers, or at least acceptance when highlighted by a professional
Bigger Picture Vision/Purpose
- Set goals
- Implementing changes that are flexible to your lifestyle
- Have an action plan that includes overcoming expected barriers
- Rewarding success
- Access to resources that support your desired change
- Support from family, friends and/or work colleagues – My clients have double the success when they do the course with friends, family and/or work colleagues
- Support from health professionals
- Support from a community group or organisation – we recognition the significance of the value a community group adds so we have set up a free support network for working women to achieve both health and career https://www.facebook.com/groups/ProfessionalWomensSupportNetwork/
So today I have 3 questions for you
- Do you want to change?
- Do you believe you can change?
- What is one change you are going to implement today?
Please share your feedback below I would love to hear from you!