I got asked the other day about the ketone supplements that are quite popular at the moment. One in particular I believe gains its popularity by the increasingly common income model of network marketing. I think it’s important to remove the financial factor, especially when we are dealing with people’s health. Given its relevance to ‘Fat Burning Women’ there is so much potential for additional revenue, my values however go very deep, integrity being a core value in our business. So as you can imagine I’ve been kind of torn.
[headline style=”1″ font_size=”20″ font_font=”Dancing%20Script” font_color=”%23F3C2B3″ align=”center” headline_tag=”h2″]I think it’s important to remove the financial factor, especially when we are dealing with people’s health.
Naturally anything that relates to fat metabolism and ketones intrigues me. In our Fat Burning Made Easy program we use targeted strategies which accelerate fat loss in a way that is sustainable and reasonably easy, it also treats the root cause of the problem, no products or gimmicks. Because we actually treat the cause of imbalance, there is nearly always resistance. What I mean by that is, it is easier to stay where you are because it is comfortable, which makes a weight-loss supplement, drink, or any short cut for that matter, way easier and extremely inviting.
I want to point out, love me or not, if you are overweight or unhealthy, you are there for a reason. I don’t think its your fault, and I definitely don’t blame you (in fact I often blame the health professionals who misguided you – I know because I used to do it too). You are where you are for a reason, there is a block preventing you from moving forward, a physical, mental and emotional block. If you want to move forward we need to address the root cause, the block standing in your way. I always like to meet my clients where they are, so here I am looking at ketone supplements as a tool to get you to your goal quicker.
[headline style=”1″ font_size=”20″ font_font=”Dancing%20Script” font_color=”%23F3C2B3″ align=”center” headline_tag=”h2″]Ketones are the bodies natural bi-product of metabolising fat
Let me start by explaining that ketones are the bodies natural bi-product of metabolising fat. It is done when glucose and insulin are low enough to metabolise fat and they are made by the liver. These ketone bodies have therepeutic benefits in the body, however there is conflicting evidence on whether ketone supplements are able to reproduce all of those same benefits. Ketones also offer an alternate fuel source for the body and one that the brain loves, benefits include improved concentration and memory and there are plenty of studies now where they are being used to treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients in reversing disease. Ketones also suppress the appetite which is naturally attractive when we have been educated on reduced calories equals weight loss. So from what I have heard these are some of the benefits of these ketone supplements, reduced appetite, increased energy and improved mental clarity.
[headline style=”1″ font_size=”20″ font_font=”Dancing%20Script” font_color=”%23F3C2B3″ align=”center” headline_tag=”h2″]Along with the therapeutic benefits of the ketones, burning fat allows us to restore balance in the body in terms of excess fat but also the hormones.
I can’t really comment on these benefits personally as I found I couldn’t take them long enough to get the benefits. I would like to say I am still open, however at this stage I am struggling to pull together a few points:
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- Ketones are produced when the body metabolises fat. We can achieve fat metabolism by lowering insulin so that the energy pathway is unlocked. If you supplement ketones you are not getting them by burning fat, you are just adding the by-product of burning fat. I feel we are missing one of the key causes of excess fat in the first place, excess glucose and insulin and lack of fat metabolism.
- Ketones that are produced naturally by the body are regulated naturally by the body (unless you are a type 1 diabetic). Just like your body regulates your glucose levels with insulin, ketone levels are also regulated by insulin. If your ketone levels get too high your body releases insulin to bring them down. The body aims for homeostasis, so excess supplemented ketones will be buffered by the bodies regulating system.
- Supplementing ketones when the body hasn’t used them as a fuel for a long time, potentially since you were a baby, means the body will take a while to adapt to using them again. Same as when we switch people’s metabolism over to fat when they have been burning glucose for a long time, it takes some time, the body is out of practice. So it is no quick fix to take a supplement, it would need to be taken over a period of time to allow the body to start using the ketones.
- Finally I am still not quite sure why we would want to short cut metabolising fat to get the ketones. Along with the therapeutic benefits of the ketones, burning fat allows us to restore balance in the body in terms of excess fat but also the hormones. The hormone insulin has been linked to a number of health conditions with some theories that organ related disease is an eventual fate of insulin resistance of that organ. So a supplement on its own does not treat the cause of imbalance and if the cause is not addressed the body still progresses to the next stage of breakdown and disease.
I am by no means an expert on the supplements and quite possibly I am missing something. To date my personal experience of using them and my knowledge of fat metabolism and ketones suggests that it is not going to serve most people, not only in their weight loss endeavours, but also their long term health.
I would love to hear your thoughts? Have you tried ketone supplements? How do you think we should be treating excess weight, lack of energy and motivation?
Hi Nat,
I have been using a ketone supplement for about 2 weeks now. I can’t say I’ve noticed any huge changes yet, but I think maybe my energy levels are a bit more stable. That could be diet related though…