Have you heard of the keto diet? Have you tried it? Or maybe thought about trying it? Low carb, keto, LCHF, high fat, its all similar.
I totally get why you might of thought about it. Excess fat just falls off, cells repair, slow down the ageing process, sleep and skin improves, its anti-inflammatory so pain disappears, your memory improves, your concentration is clear and focused, hormones balance and become more efficient, your energy sky rockets – its all so tempting right?!
In 10 minutes I am going to show you why you must not do the keto ‘diet’ in a video I call ‘Conscious Keto’.
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The keto diet has been around forever. It had a surge in the 30’s as a way of managing EPILEPSY, and now you have probably been sucked into the new keto MOVEMENT mayhem.
The keto diet is NOT like any other diet, its not just cutting calories, or manipulating macros for weight loss.
It’s a full change of metabolism. Its STARVING your body of its main fuel source, altering the BIOCHEMICAL PATHWAYS, to force your body to metabolise another source. FAT.
The difference in the metabolism of these two fuels is HUGE.
Glucose thrives in an ANAEROBIC environment – without oxygen, it requires little effort, it burns QUICKLY and EASILY, kind of like paper on a fire, but it has LIMITED STORAGE and staying power. So you must keep topping it up.
Fat is a SLOW burning fuel that lasts for hours, days, weeks and sometimes months. It is powered with OXYGEN, has AMPLE resources (even in a skinny elite ultra marathon runner) and requires some TIME to warm up.
Glucose can have ACIDIC by-products like lactic acid or increased CO2 output, fat metabolism can reduce CO2 output and produces KETONES as a byproduct. Ketones are a molecule that can act like a super fuel – IF the body knows how to use it.
If the differences in metabolism are not understood, abused, the newby to keto can without thinking be stressed, busy or do a hard workout, depriving the body of oxygen which in turn signals glucose metabolism. In its absence the newby to keto can feel tired, hungry, hangry even, and in some cases dizzy because the body isn’t getting the right fuel for the environment its in.
This is serious.
This is not a diet.
This is altering your metabolism, changing your biochemistry, do you know what you are doing?
I want people to realise the FULL power of their body, to not just know it but to EXPERIENCE it. But that doesn’t mean we just try anything and everything willy nilly.
We must have RESPECT for this diet, this opportunity to REPROGRAM our cells, our DNA. We must be AWARE of what we are doing, PREPARE, and then approach our STRATEGY from a place of WHOLE healing not a quick fix of diet, or we can do more damage than when we started.
When we metabolise glucose we tend to retain more fluid, its one of the many symptoms in women who come to me for help. When the metabolism switches to fat, fluid is lost and this can leave people with an unquenchable thirst and often constipation. Without an understanding of this new metabolic process this can put a STRAIN on the bodies organs. Understanding the biochemical changes however allows us to alter ELECTROLYTE consumption to SUPPORT fluid uptake.
What about dairy and meat? Did carbs just get subbed for dairy? Is this really the best food for our bodies, filled with antibiotics, hormones, and in some people bumping up their insulin levels?
Keto products are often laden with artificial sugars, technically low carb but certainly NOT promoting full health and whole healing.
These options can certainly offer a GATEWAY to cutting sugar and carbs, curbing cravings, and ASSISTING in the fat adaption process, but please don’t be fooled into thinking these will support long term health.
If you have considered keto or low carb high fat for weight loss, one of the most common stumbling blocks I find (other than stress destroying the process) is FAT. High fat can look amazing on your plate, full of nutritious healing foods like, avo, butter, macadamia oil, salmon, nuts and seeds, but if your plate is full of fat and your body is satisfied – it will be a fat burning machine – but NOT body fat. Conscious Keto is NOT about a one size fits all, but ADJUSTING your plate to suit your health goals, and CHANGING as your body, health and life changes.
This includes protein. When carbs drop protein goes up. Protein is a BUILDING BLOCK, NOT a fuel. Excess protein that is not required for muscles and body growth will be converted to glucose. This can STALL the fat burning process and have you hanging out in LIMBO land, no energy, hungry, not burning fat, but limited glucose ie not enough fuel.
So if you want to be aware, conscious and take responsibility for your body and health, if you want to have more energy, better skin and sleep, release fat easily and have lightening fast thinking then I encourage you to try Conscious Keto, not the ‘Keto Diet’. I urge you to approach your body, health and life as a holistic JOURNEY rather than a diet, healing at the SOURCE rather than a quick fix. I empower you to not give your health away to this FAD, but to design your own body, health and life – LIGHT and FREE.
We will be covering Conscious Keto in our Light and Free Membership. Videos, worksheets and weekly coaching to give you everything your need to open your eyes, and step into the best version of yourself. Whole healing, electrolytes, animal products, sleep, stress, macro breakdowns, protein, sugar, strategic carbs, we will cover it all as part of our Conscious Nutrition Course. We have already covered gut health, and we sill have intuitive eating, emotional eating, self sabotage and ethical nutrition to come. This is your home of life long health, a body you love and life that is light and free!
Sending you lots of love, clarity and confidence heading into this first week of spring here in Aus.
Dance, sing and have fun, times are changing, you don’t need to be stuck in a diet anymore.
Dance, sing and have fun, times are changing, you don’t need to be stuck in a diet anymore.
Life is meant to be light and free.
Life is meant to be light and free.
I hope to share this journey with you in our new membership group, if not, that’s totally ok too, just remember to connect with your heart, align with your soul, and take aligned action from a place of consciousness and responsibility. This is your body, your health, your life!
I hope to share this journey with you in our new membership group, if not, that’s totally ok too, just remember to connect with your heart, align with your soul, and take aligned action from a place of consciousness and responsibility. This is your body, your health, your life!
Much love and blessings,
Much love and blessings,
Natalee xx