by admin | Aug 3, 2016 | Uncategorized
So I have been doing research to add some more value to our 8 week vibrant leaders program and I again stumbled on some scary numbers. So we know two thirds of you are stressed. But I also found that those of you that are stressed, two thirds of you don’t seek help!...
by admin | Sep 11, 2013 | Uncategorized
I have mentioned earlier about the important role of repairing the cells in our body. Due to our current health crisis particular attention needs to be made to repairing our gut lining to prevent toxins and undigested food leaking through into our blood wrecking havic...
by admin | Mar 22, 2013 | Uncategorized
Guest Post by Peta Pomerenke, Owner of Massage and Complementary Therapies Business ‘Harmonious Hands’. Peta has a passion for restoring harmony and today she shares with us her insight into restoring harmony in your life to achieve happiness.WORDS...
by admin | Mar 3, 2013 | Uncategorized
I spoke at a friends business launch today. We both have such a passion for dreaming big that I shared my 8 top tips for making your dreams a reality. Her dream is to restore harmony and mine to enlighten lives and together we feel we can make a difference. You too...
by admin | Jan 6, 2013 | Uncategorized
I have never been great at writing. In fact if I am completely honest I was failing English in my final year of school. If it wasn’t for some extra lunchtime sessions with a great teacher I would have failed, and seriously failed – like 35% fail. The point...
by admin | Jan 6, 2013 | Uncategorized
Are you looking to have more energy, better sleep and to feel happier and healthier?Do you struggle to lose weight no matter how focused you are? Are you sick of setting goals that you don’t achieve? I have 2 new spaces for my Enlighten Life Wellness...