by admin | Sep 3, 2018 | Uncategorized
. Have you heard of the keto diet? Have you tried it? Or maybe thought about trying it? Low carb, keto, LCHF, high fat, its all similar. . I totally get why you might of thought about it. Excess fat just falls off, cells repair, slow down the ageing process, sleep...
by admin | Aug 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
Gosh cosmic events, moon, solar flares, planetary positions and the awakening of the conscious collective has been powerful for the past few months. If you are healing your physical body you have probably had to CONFRONT alot of emotions, have a face off with your...
by admin | Aug 21, 2018 | Uncategorized
As we move into a TIME and SPACE where ENERGY is everything the weird and the MAGICAL is happening. You may notice changes in the climate, governments, work environment, relationships, right down to our own personal bodies – all a REFLECTION of the changes...
by admin | Aug 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
I didn’t even realise I had an inner child until I met her. Until I held her and cried with her, feeling all her pain and all her fear. I had sat down with her, listened to her, comforted her and held a space for her to just be. Just as I would have wanted. Just...
by admin | Aug 6, 2018 | Uncategorized
Earlier in my health journey I spent so much time investing time, energy and money into practices, food, rituals, study and research to heal my body, mind and soul at the source rather than a bandaid fix. There was a lot of energy spent in this space with an imbalance...