Your light encoded words to break down old programming, increase your vibration and inspire your to shine!

One Difference Between You And An Olympic Athlete

We all aspire to something. For some people, aspirations are larger than others. For some, aspirations are diligently broken down into goals and a plan. For some, they take action on the plan. For some they follow through on the action until the end and for some they...

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The One Key To A Disease Free Vibrant Life

[video_player type="youtube" width="560" height="315" align="center" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="20"]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1JbkcxX0dRUzZnUQ==[/video_player] One of my members and I were having a discussion the other day about all the different...

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3 Quick Easy Ways to Meditate

I was having a conversation with a client on our 3lite vibrant leaders program and she was saying how she knows she should meditate but just doesn't have the time. She is desperate for the benefits but doesn't want to invest her precious time. So I decided to share my...

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5 Tips To A Healthy Sleep

I was having a conversation with a friend and she said she had been having trouble switching her brain off at night and it is taking her forever to fall alseep. She asked me what was the best way to not think about everything that had to be done and get the sleep she...

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3 Reason’s Why You Are Stressed

So I have been doing research to add some more value to our 8 week vibrant leaders program and I again stumbled on some scary numbers. So we know two thirds of you are stressed. But I also found that those of you that are stressed, two thirds of you don’t seek help!...

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Chicken Bone Broth

I have mentioned earlier about the important role of repairing the cells in our body. Due to our current health crisis particular attention needs to be made to repairing our gut lining to prevent toxins and undigested food leaking through into our blood wrecking havic...

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The Story of the Butterfly

The Butterfly has been a beautiful, strong and elegant symbol of my coaching for a little while now with the purple signifying good judgement, spiritual fulfillment and peace. I have been asked why the Butterfly so I thought I would share with you the beautiful story...

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