Your light encoded words to break down old programming, increase your vibration and inspire your to shine!
From Autoimmune Arthritis and Burnt Out To Zen Marathon Runner
This is by far my most emotional and vulnerable blog. Six years ago I went back to New Zealand in winter and it was cold. The chronic pain I had thought was just normal aches increasingly overwhelmed my body until I was so tight and stiff I could not straighten my...
What Anna Meares Learnt About Burnout PLUS 4 Strategies To Learn From Her
As an athlete myself I often make sporting reference to women's health and I do so because in my experience as a sports coach the principles have also applied in my life and executive coaching clients with high results. When Anna Meares called her coach in tears last...
One Difference Between You And An Olympic Athlete
We all aspire to something. For some people, aspirations are larger than others. For some, aspirations are diligently broken down into goals and a plan. For some, they take action on the plan. For some they follow through on the action until the end and for some they...
The One Key To A Disease Free Vibrant Life
[video_player type="youtube" width="560" height="315" align="center" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="20"]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1JbkcxX0dRUzZnUQ==[/video_player] One of my members and I were having a discussion the other day about all the different...
3 Quick Easy Ways to Meditate
I was having a conversation with a client on our 3lite vibrant leaders program and she was saying how she knows she should meditate but just doesn't have the time. She is desperate for the benefits but doesn't want to invest her precious time. So I decided to share my...
5 Tips To A Healthy Sleep
I was having a conversation with a friend and she said she had been having trouble switching her brain off at night and it is taking her forever to fall alseep. She asked me what was the best way to not think about everything that had to be done and get the sleep she...
3 Reason’s Why You Are Stressed
So I have been doing research to add some more value to our 8 week vibrant leaders program and I again stumbled on some scary numbers. So we know two thirds of you are stressed. But I also found that those of you that are stressed, two thirds of you don’t seek help!...
Lime and Ginger Almond Balls
As I slowly change my lifestyle I find myself craving chocolate less. Yes you heard it, the once chocoholic who would down a couple of bars a day, on top of a brownie, hedgehog or caramel slice is no longer a chocoholic. Don't get me wrong it has taken a long...
Goji Balls
These were a little bit of accidental perfection. I wanted something stable at room temperature to share with my work colleague's and of course I can't forget my husbands beautiful work mates as well. I thought they were satisfactory but turns out I had a lot of...
Blueberry Lime Iceblocks
To be honest this is probably not one for your toddler. I learnt this the hard way. A lovely fresh treat on a hot day but as you can imagine the drips stain so be careful who you trust with this little beauty :)Ingredients (6-7 standard iceblock molds)1x 400ml can of...
Chocolate Mousse Slice
I have been trying make a slice that is more stable in the fridge and will not melt so quickly at room temp. This little beauty was a hit very first go. The topping is the perfect mousse consistency and the flavour just melts in your mouth. I hope you enjoy, there...
5 Steps To Heal Your Gut to Health Your Life
I would be arrogant and ignorant to think I had all the answers when it comes to health. To be honest what I think is best for our health as human beings in any moment is constantly changing due to the wealth of information available to us and our vast difference in...
Homemade Almond Milk
Now I have to admit, I haven't had a glass of milk, regardless of its source for a long time now so this healthy alternative may or may not be for you if you take your milk in a long tall glass. I do however use milk in baking, in tea and as an alternative source of...
Homemade Nut-Butter
Homemade nut-butter is so much cheaper than the store bought stuff, you can control the quality of the nuts, the type of nuts and there is no added nasties to your favourite condiment. I make a double batch each week, one for my pumpkin pie pancakes and the other to...
Pumpkin Pie Pancakes
These pancakes are rich in proteins and good fats. They are the perfect breakfast, snack on the run, or for kiddies lunchboxes because they are also filling and super delicious! Not only are they dairy, gluten, grain and sugar free the are suitable for the strict...
Chicken Bone Broth
I have mentioned earlier about the important role of repairing the cells in our body. Due to our current health crisis particular attention needs to be made to repairing our gut lining to prevent toxins and undigested food leaking through into our blood wrecking havic...
Paleo Muesli Bars
This is such a fantastic refined sugar, dairy, gluten, grain and egg free snack that we make it weekly and also have a back up in the freezer. It is perfect for dessert, a high protein afternoon snack, breakfast on the go or any time you a looking for a tasty...
Avocado and Lemon Gluten Free Muffins
On my journey to a sugar free life I have struggled to find sugar free snacks that satisfy. I also have been reducing wheat and gluten so these gluten free muffins have been a great snack on the go that tick all my health food boxes at the moment, they are also...
The Story of the Butterfly
The Butterfly has been a beautiful, strong and elegant symbol of my coaching for a little while now with the purple signifying good judgement, spiritual fulfillment and peace. I have been asked why the Butterfly so I thought I would share with you the beautiful story...
Berry Ripe Slice
This recipe was inspired by my love of Cherry Ripes that no longer form part of my diet. This is a healthy alternative to the sweet treat however I must emphasis that even natural sugars should be a treat on the odd occasion as they still can cause a number of health...