Your light encoded words to break down old programming, increase your vibration and inspire your to shine!

Healthy Easter Eggs

Healthy Easter Eggs

These little beauties are about the healthiest treats you can make, ticking all the boxes for vegan, gluten free, paleo, raw and refined sugar free - not to mention they are delicious. As with any form of sugar I recommend them only as a treat, but hey its Easter and...

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8 Tips to Making Your Dreams a Reality

8 Tips to Making Your Dreams a Reality

I spoke at a friends business launch today. We both have such a passion for dreaming big that I shared my 8 top tips for making your dreams a reality. Her dream is to restore harmony and mine to enlighten lives and together we feel we can make a difference. You too...

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Detox Your Home – Pots and Pans

Detox Your Home – Pots and Pans

Its a good feeling when you flip an egg perfectly without breaking it, but is it worth your health? Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), which make products stain and stick resistant,are proven to be detrimental to your health, including increased risk of cancer....

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Detox Your Home – Baby

Detox Your Home – Baby

 We have looked at our cleaning products and our beauty products but probably one of the important products to consider when detoxing your home environment is your baby products! We have learnt a few months back that children develop their immune systems and...

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Detox You Home – Skin Care and Cosmetics

Detox You Home – Skin Care and Cosmetics

 We have already looked at the harmful ingredients in our cleaning products and some alternate natural options. Today we look at skin care and cosmetics. This is oh so important! Our skin is our largest organ of our beautiful body and laps up everything we put on...

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Let Go

Let Go

I have never been great at writing. In fact if I am completely honest I was failing English in my final year of school. If it wasn't for some extra lunchtime sessions with a great teacher I would have failed, and seriously failed - like 35% fail. The point I guess I...

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12 Week Wellness Coaching Program

12 Week Wellness Coaching Program

Are you looking to have more energy, better sleep and to feel happier and healthier?Do you struggle to lose weight no matter how focused you are? Are you sick of setting goals that you don't achieve? I have 2 new spaces for my Enlighten Life Wellness Coaching...

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Detox You Home – Cleaning Products

Detox You Home – Cleaning Products

Its no secret that there are chemicals and other toxins around us, all of the time. There is a lot of evidence to support the harmful affects of certain chemicals that are in products we use daily but there is little research on accumulation of all these harmful...

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New Year Specials

New Year Specials

 Do you make a new year's resolution every year that you struggle to keep?Are you looking to have more energy, better sleep and to feel happier and healthier?Do you struggle to lose weight no matter how focused you are? I have 2 new spaces for Health Coaching and...

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Apple vs Coke?

Apple vs Coke?

So my dietitian says I can have margarine but not avocado and I can have diet coke but not an apple. Tell me where did we go so wrong?Now I don't consider myself as the general public when it comes to diet knowledge, I am a qualified Personal Trainer and avid...

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Super Quinoa

Super Quinoa

Native to South America and once a staple foods of the Incas, Quinoa, pronounced 'Keenwah' is all the rage at the moment.  You have probably seen it in some of my recipes such as Mixed Quinoa Salad and Tomato Quinoa salad. A couple...

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